Roll "n" Wraps are a trading name of J&R Tobacco Company LLC which is a small tobacco manufacturing company based in Kentucky USA.

We are your number one, online source for natural tobacco leaves. We have done our best to make our website an easy to use, online platform for purchasing a variety of tobacco leaf wraps.

We also sell tobacco leaf by the lb and we welcome enquiries from wholesalers seeking to purchase over 50lb. 

We also have an investment opportunity for savvy investors who see the potential in making small (start at $5,000) or larger investments with a high annual return to help us move J&R on to be a much larger player in the Tobacco Industry and also, so we can open a pharmaceutical arm to the business using the medicinal properties'  of tobacco. 

Are you tired of paying high prices to smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco?

When you roll-your-own tobacco using our high quality, farm fresh tobacco leaves, not only will you enjoy the smoke with peace of mind knowing the quality of your own leaves, but you can also save $$$s each week! 

By shopping with us, you are confirming that you are 21 years of age or older, you are authorized to purchase tobacco products in your state/territory, and agree to both our terms of service and our refund policy

You can also review our FAQ's